These last few days have been totally crazy. Trying to get pumpkins done, putting together the haunted house to scare the trick or treaters... UGH. but its November now and I get an entire extra hour to sleep tonight.
This first Pumpkin the the image my son picked to be carved. He loves Pirates of the Caribbean. It was a pretty easy pattern to carve however the kids tried to help by tracing out the pattern... it took an extra hour just to sort out all the lines they made. After all the hard work... it came out great. I added the 'YO HO YO HO' just for an added touch.
Next was the image my youngest chose. The hunted house. There are many versions of this pattern. I liked the way this one looked the best. She helped do some of the carving. My
son worked on this one a little too. Unlike the haunted house I carved last year, this one had much much more detail. A little time consuming but well worth it. This is the one the trick or treaters liked the most. The 'Happy Halloween' was a last minute free hand addition. I'm glad the words were added. I have one more pumpkin to add. Not one that I carved... but the one my daughter did. Check back later to check it out!